The Eliminator is a Non-toxic, Odorless, Rust-Remover and De-greaser that is safe for any surface where you can apply water.
The Eliminator works by emulsifying deteriorated organic material or protein such as rust, blood, grease, lard, lipstick, mascara, body oils, pasta sauce, BBQ sauce, ink, oven grime, etc. - The secret triple action formula then lifts and removes particles at the molecular level.
The Eliminator is made to do one thing, and that is to clean! After a surface is free of contaminates, you can then provide a finish of your choice. Finishes, over time, break down and need to be reapplied after a clean surface is achieved with the Eliminator.
One (1) part Eliminator concentrate is designed to work best when mixed with nine (9) parts water. This 9:1 Eliminator solution has the following uses:
A metal surface has a natural chemical bond with the growth of oxidization or rust. To break that bond the procedure has been the use of toxic agents or penetrating fluids. This process is effective, but dangerous and if misused could damage other materials.
Many new synthetic oils and lubricants claim to clean and lubricate your guns in one step. This has been found to be untrue, and in the long run has caused damage to the gun. Think about it! How can a product clean itself of the residues it is supposed to be removing from the surface? It can't! Only some of the gunk is removed and the remainder simply reattaches itself to the surface.
The Eliminator will remove rust from gun barrels without disturbing the bluing. Saturate a piece of 0000 steel wool with the 9:1 Eliminator solution and scrub the area. Watch the rust lift away from the blueing! After the area is cleaned, apply a premium gun oil to preserve the finish.
To remove surface rust from car body paint use the same process with a nylon pad instead of steel wool. After the rust has been removed, apply a good car wax to the area.
Stainless steel guns: For removing carbon and stain from cylinders, rub the affected area with a nylon pad soaked with the 9:1 Eliminator solution. The stain will dissolve! Wipe the weapon dry and protect the finish as you wish.
For cleaning wood with a finish use the 9:1 Eliminator solution and a soft cloth. A soft brush dipped in the 9:1 Eliminator solution can be used for tight areas. To clean unfinished wood, dip brush in the 9:1 Eliminator solution and scrub in the direction of the grain. If liquid absorbs into the wood, keep applying until area is totally wet. Scrub with brush then wipe with a clean cloth. Allow wood to dry naturally or use a blow dryer.
The Eliminator is recognized by many gunsmiths as the best and safest wood cleaner ever developed. It cleans wood checkering of body oils as well as pulling cosmolene out of guns which have been packed away for 40 years!
Wet the soiled area with the 9:1 Eliminator solution and work gently with fingers. Blot dry with a clean white cloth and blow dry with a warm temperature setting. We suggest the use of a leather balm or other conditioner after cleaning.
BLOOD on feathers, fur, or other materials can be released by dipping a soft toothbrush in the 9:1 Eliminator solution and working it through the stained area. It is not necessary to rinse because Eliminator will leave nothing behind to discolor or damage.
MILDEW can be removed by using the 9:1 Eliminator solution and spraying it on the area to be cleaned. After cleaning, a disinfectant should be used to inhibit new mildew growth.
TRAPS can be cleaned with the 9:1 Eliminator solution by scrubbing with a stiff wire brush while trap is immersed in the mixture. Since the Eliminator is non-toxic and odor-free, it leaves no smell behind to cover with any other chemical!
FISH ODORS can be washed away from clothing or hands as well as other odors. The Eliminator is safe to use for cleaning fish and small animals. Excellent for live well tanks too!
In an effort to clarify and consolidate the sanitation requirements for meat and poultry establishments, the United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS) published a notice in the Federal Register (63 FR 7319; February 13, 1998) stating that the prior approval program for nonfood compounds and proprietary substances has been discontinued.
This means is that food service areas are free to use whatever cleaning agents they prefer as long as they finish-up with a proper disinfectant. As you might imagine, our non-toxic Eliminator truly excels in this application.
Use the Eliminator to clean Butcher-blocks and remove the persistent odor that straight bleach will not!
Saturate the soiled area with the 9:1 Eliminator solution and let it stand for twenty (20) seconds. Cover the area with an old towel. Step on the towel and twist, soaking up the stain. Repeat if necessary.
STEAM carpet cleaners work exceptionally well with the Eliminator too - Mix one ounce of Eliminator concentrate and one ounce of your regular carpet detergent in each gallon of HOT water.
Not surprisingly, it turns out that some of our most loyal customers use the Eliminator for their laundry. The 9:1 solution is the ultimate pre-wash spray and Sharon Arnold highly recommends replacing half of your normal laundry soap with the Eliminator concentrate. The whites are the whitest-ever and, once again, your toughest stains are history.
Yes, if the Eliminator is the ultimate cleaner for all of these applications, it can even clean you too. <smiles>
Seriously, we've already discussed how the Eliminator will remove pesky fish oils & oders - well, one customer reports that the Eliminator also removes Poison-Ivy sap from your skin before you can have an alergic reaction to it!
It makes sense! - oil, grease, plant-sap, or what-have-you, is natures' way of making dirt, grime, poisons or anything sticking to things - like your skin, in this case.
Plain soap will break many of the weaker oils, but fish oil and Poison-Ivy are two items which spread worse when you try to wash them away with regular soap - the Eliminator cleans everything!
After using the Eliminator in any application, your skin will feel "a little dry". This is not bad, but testiment to the effectiveness of this great cleaning product. Finish up with a little hand lotion and your skin will look & feel better than ever.
Other Eliminator uses, in different concentrations:
And, the Eliminator will remove chewing-gum from carpet too!
Okay, the Eliminator is great in the shop and safe in the field. What does it cost?
Package / Quantity | Price | Shipping | Weight |
2 oz Sample bottle | $2.44 | $1.48 | 0.4 lbs |
4.5 oz bottle / 9 bottle case | $32.40 | $6.30 | 6.5 lbs |
1 gallon jug / each | $31.50 | $6.71 | 9.5 lbs |
2 oz bottle / 45 bottle case | $72.00 | $7.77 | 15.2 lbs |
1 gallon jug / 4 jug box | $99.95 | $13.42 | 37.5 lbs |
5 gallon container / each | $119.40 | $15.77 | 46.9 lbs |
55 gallon drum / each | $899.00 | $180.00 | 515 lbs |
COD Charge | $2.00 | $5.00 | 0.0 lbs |
Stock Eliminator on your shelves - double your money - superior repeat sale potential!
Thanks in Advance for your order! - William & Sharon Arnold
Voice (317) 591-9820 ... (FAX) 591-9855
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